Our mission is to make lifelong followers of Jesus. This begins in childhood and our time at Kids Club will focus on discovering who we are as God’s creation and what the love of Jesus means to us.

It is our hope that all kids will build strong friendships with their peers and look to their leaders as examples. They will track their achievements by receiving awards to mark their growth.

We use Awana’s curriculum to guide our teaching of the kids. For more on Awana visit www.awana.org.


If my child has been in a different Awana group, will they be able to continue at CTK Kid’s Club? Yes, we will keep the kids on track in their Awana work.

My child is 3 but not potty trained yet; can he/she come? Yes, but parental supervision is required in case of an accident. Once they are fully potty trained you can just drop them off.

Can my child still join the club in the middle of the year?– Yes! We would love for them to join us at any time. If they want to catch up on work to get an award at the end of the year, we will help work with your family to get there.

Is there a cost? – There is a $15 uniform cost. The church is pleased to cover the cost of materials.


Click the link below to register your kids today. If you have any questions, please email jared@ctkcommunity.com or if you like, call the office and ask to speak with Dana.

Our number is 314-395-6326.