Aug. 6th Worship Night at O’Day Park

Join us at the O’Day Lodge in O’Day Park at 7pm for a worship gathering to enter into the presence of God with fellow Christians.

Refreshments at 6:30pm, as well as after the worship time.

We have the best instructors

We would love to hang out, fellowship, meet other fellow believers in the area. We will some finger foods and apps, as well as the ever-lovable Picasso’s coffee. Which will be freshly ground and brewed!

Types of Songs

Jesus said the scribe “brings out of his treasure things new and old.” We will sing old hymns as well as new choruses. We enjoy worshipping with any song that is full gospel truths and is singable by the average joe.


We enjoy being able to corporately worship God together, so the music will be loud enough that you don’t feel self-conscious singing out, but not so loud that you need earplugs. We enjoy an energetic volume where we can also hear all of God’s people singing praise.

Any Questions?

Send us an email if you want to know more!